by Cheska Abella, JVP Batch 43
If I were to describe our zonals experience in one phrase, it would be “full of wonders”. Firstly, I am surprised by the bountiful energy that my co-volunteers and I had in store for this trip. For us Siargao volunteers, our weekend journey started with an almost 9-hour travel to Agusan del Sur. Despite the exhaustion, we still managed to wake up early in the morning, go to various places, and go through a jam-packed schedule. We were fortunate to have visited two of the many wonders here in Mindanao, Bega Falls and Enchanted River, to witness and experience its majestic natural beauty.
Of course, our zonals wouldn’t be complete without our kumustahan sessions and it was indeed a key highlight for me because I got to hear about my batchmates’ experiences. While we had different assignments, sharing stories alongside the input we received from our formators helped me on how I can be better in my mission.
The wonder that stood out most is knowing that our trip was made possible because of the charitable hearts of former JVPs who sponsored our sumptuous meals and other travel expenses. I am truly awed by the magnanimity of the JVP spirit of generosity. We owe this joy to our Ates and Kuyas. They inspire me to pay it forward as well in the future when I (hopefully) graduate officially as JVP.