Volunteer Manager Ross Fortunado shares photos of her Supervisory Visit to the Batch 36 Jesuit Volunteers.

PIC Batch36EAbitriaKBorjaSV1PIC Batch36AlyzaBetitoSV1PIC Batch36NathanPiguerraSV1PIC Batch35MoxAliviadoSV1PIC Batch36JoemsBoleticSV1PIC Batch36SherSiddickPhilipSumayloSV1PIC Batch36KimMarceloSV1PIC Batch36GabyAlegreSV1PIC Batch35KirkDidalSV1PIC Batch36MartinCandelariaSV1

Click the link below to see more of the JVP Batch 36 volunteers and how they are making a positive difference in the lives of others: for God, for country.

Loy | Gaby | Mox | Alma | Kent | Alyza | Joems |Seth | KD | Jorge | Martin | Kirk | Nikki | Yan | Mar | Ishat | Jhana | Coy | Kim | Migs | Jade | Diane | Nathan | Ren | Ding | Josh | Sher | Plong | Philip